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providing answers to commonly asked Canadian finance questions.
The truth about how to start investing and take back control of your finances.

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Enter your name and e-mail address to get your free BEGINNER'S INVESTOR HANDBOOK to start your jouney to financial freedom.
Here's What's inside?
* Starting points for beginner investors
* Breaking down risk tolerance and time horizon for new investors
* Stock recommendations for beginner long term investors
* BONUS! Cryptocurrency breakdown for beginners
"Finally found a very clear explanation and break down for a new investor and a new Canadian!"
- F. Belle

Hi there, I'm Bassem!
I've been helping Canadians reach their personal finance goals for over 10 years. Starting off as a Chartered Professional Accountant and working with clients in 2011, I quickly realized how little Canadians knew about personal finance, couple that with my never-ending searching for multiple sources of income, I found a niche: teaching Canadians how to take back control of their finances with the end goal of escaping the rat race of life to become debt-free and financially free.
In 2020, I started a Youtube channel in the hopes of helping Canadians understand how to invest and how to pick stocks. Two years into my Youtube career, I've realized there's something lacking in the viewership, I noticed I was getting the same questions over and over again. All the question and all the items the viewers needed help on was: basic Canadian finance. We aren't taught how to file taxes. We aren't taught how to invest. We aren't taught about personal debt and building personal credit. I've taken my training for granted, not only have I studied taxes and personal finance as part of my university degree, but I'm applying it everyday as part of my full-time job and as part of my daily life outside my work.
I've created this course to fill that gap, to fill that missing set of data and expertise needed for Canadians just to manage their finances. By the end of this course, I promise, you will: understand how to budget, understand Canadian credit, understand different types of investment, understand the basics of the stock market, understand the basics of the Canadian tax system and lastly, cryptocurrency as it relates to Canadians.